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Become a CoCoRaHS Volunteer

A rain gauge attached to a wooden post showing collected water measurements, with a garden background.

The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) is a community-based network of more than 20,000 volunteers nationwide working together to measure and map precipitation. Volunteers take measurements of precipitation each time it rains or snows. These precipitation reports are then recorded online and used for water resource analysis.

CoCoRaHS-approved rain gauges are available for free to RPBCWD residents. To receive a rain gauge:

1. Visit the CoCoRaHS site and submit the Volunteer Application.

2. You will receive your unique Station Number via email from CoCoRaHS (such as MN-HN-XX or MN -CV-XX).

3. Once you are approved as a volunteer, fill out the form below to request your free rain gauge from RPBCWD.  Staff will be in touch to arrange pick-up or drop-off once they have verified your volunteer status.


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