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The RPBCWD Board of Managers approved development of the Ecosystem Health Action Plan (EHAP) in February 2023. The ultimate purpose of EHAP will be to inform, through an ecosystem lens, development of the 10-year management plan update.

The EHAP effort consisted of the following tasks:

  1. Review of relevant literature and district projects/programs
  2. GIS data collection and map development
  3. Soil health investigation and fieldwork
  4. Technical Advisory Panel workshop facilitation
  5. EHAP development
A two-year timeline detailing meetings, workshops, data collection, and development phases for a strategic plan.


Scales comparing "GRAY SPACES" and "GREEN SPACES" with a question: "How do we shift the balance from gray to green?"

Plan Components

Once developed, the action plan will tentatively include:

  • A vision and goals for ecosystem health within RPBCWD
  • A description of historic land use that has altered ecosystem function
  • A description of existing ecological conditions
  • Maps showing climate change and urban heat island areas of vulnerability within RPBCWD
  • A summary of how RPBCWD current programs, projects, and regulatory activities align with an ecological approach and authorities
  • A summary of ecosystem function issues and opportunities for preservation, management, or enhancement
  • A description of ecosystem function improvement strategies
  • A description of existing and potential partners for the District to achieve ecosystem function improvements
  • A description of short and long-term priorities for implementation of ecosystem health initiatives


A group of people in a meeting room with a projected map, sitting at tables with notes and discussions underway.
Photos: Scenes from TAP Workshop #1.


Technical Advisory Panel

A Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) was formed to provide input during the EHAP development process. The panel includes representives from multiple disciplines in city, county and state governments and other organizations. A series of TAP workshops are being faciliated to identify challenges and opportunities for fostering a healthy urban ecosystem. View the list of TAP partners.



February 1, 2023 Board of Managers approves EHAP development
May 18, 2023EHAP TAP Workshop 1
June 15, 2023EHAP TAP Workshop 2
July 20, 2023EHAP TAP Workshop 3
January 2024EHAP TAP Workshop 4 - Separate focus groups on January 3, 11, and 17
March 11, 2024Joint workshop with RBPCWD Board of Managers and CAC members
August 7, 2024BOM Workshop - EHAP Update
October 2, 2024Board Workshop: Strategy prioritization
November 6, 2024Board Workshop: Strategy prioritization
December 11, 2024Board Workshop: Strategy prioritization

Workshop Materials


TAP Workshop 1: Identifying challenges to a healthy urban ecosystem (5/18/2023)

Slides from workshop 1


TAP Workshop 2: Identifying efforts and gaps in supporting a healthy ecosystem (6/15/2023)

Slides from workshop 2Existing condition maps (version 6-15-2023)


TAP Workshop 3: Identifying solutions to ecosystem health issues

Gaps identified in workshop 2 for consideration in workshop 3
Summary of solutions identified


TAP Workshop 4: Focus groups to prioritize possible solutions

  • Three workshops were held separately with TAP members divided into these focus areas: natural resources, planning, and water resources engineering. The results of the this and the other TAP workshops will be brought to the joint BOM/CAC workshop scheduled for March 11, 2024. 


Joint Workshop with Board of Managers and Citizen Advisory Committee (3/11/2024)

Presentation slides
  • Topics for breakout sessions: Discuss ideas for RPBCWD mission statement revision; prioritize potential actionable items
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