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Whats Your Watershed District

Everyone Lives in a Watershed

If you live in the southwest metro, you likely live within one of the six watershed organizations listed below. Each organization is a local unit of government that administers its own projects and programs to protect and enhance water resources. Contact you local watershed organization about specific regulations they may have.

Regulatory Authority

Each watershed district is required by state law to have a regulatory (permitting) program. Watershed management organizations (WMO) have discretion whether or not to have a regulatory program.

You may need a permit from your watershed organization for activities such as:

  • Building a structure such as a house, shed, patio, or driveway
  • Putting an addition onto your home
  • Shoreline or streambank work including adding a sand beach or adding riprap
  • Constructing a waterbody crossing such as a bridge over a stream
  • Dredging, removing sediment, or altering water flow in a lake, pond, wetland, stream or other waterbody
  • Excavation, filling, or other dirtwork (soil disturbance)
  • Clearing large areas of vegetation
  • Other land or water disturbing activities

Contact your local watershed organization about rules or permits related to the above activities.

Watershed Organizations in the Southwest Metro

Click a logo below to learn more about these watershed organizations.

Logo with blue waves, "Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District" text.
Logo with a river, trees, a city outline, and birds, titled "Lower Minnesota River Watershed District."
An emblem with grass, water, and text "9 Mile Creek Watershed District."
A logo with a bird silhouette, sun, water splash, and the text "RBWMO Richfield Bloomington Watershed Management Organization".
Logo of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District with a waterfall illustration.
Logo of Carver County Watershed Management Organization with a map of Texas state and "WMO" text.


What's My Watershed Organization?

Enter your address in the interactive map to find out which watershed district you live in! Please note that watershed organizations outside the Twin Cities metropolitan area are not represented.

Disclaimer: This page is hosted as a courtesy by the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District.

Accuracy of boundaries of other watershed organizations is not guaranteed.

Interactive map for the Southwest Twin Cities showing watershed districts.
Click on the map image above to begin. This will open a new window. 
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