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Illustration of a person gesturing towards a sign that reads "Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District."

Resources for Educators

The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District's Education Program supports  the goals outlined in the 10-Year Plan by providing ways for educators to get their students engaged in clean water. Looking for ways to incorporate water education into your curriculum? Need resources for getting your students outside? Maybe you'd like to learn something new about the watershed around you. Explore the links and resources below! 

Logo with a bottle cap design, "STEM on TAP" text, and science-themed icons like a lightbulb, atom, and test tube.

Are you a 6-12 STEM Educator?

We're launching a new workshop series called STEM on Tap to bring educators together to learn about various STEM topics, get resources for your classroom, meet STEM professionals, and network with other STEM teachers over a beverage and a free meal. You will receive a certificate for 2.0 hours of continuing education credit at the conclusion of each workshop.

Learn more


An activity book cover featuring a lake, ducks, a turtle, and two kids with educational content about aquatic environments.

Junior Watershed Explorer

Adventure, observe, take notes!

As a Jr Watershed Explorer, your students learn about the world of water around them and can earn an embroidered badge.

Where does water go when it rains? What kinds of fish and animals live in the water bodies in our area? What can each of us do to help protect clean water? This activity book takes kids on an adventure through their watershed, exploring how we are all connected to, and by water.

Ages: 5 years - 12 years (Younger children complete fewer pages to ear their badge)

How to earn your badge 
  1. Download the workbook, or stop by our office for a printed copy(s)*
  2. Complete the number of activities required for your age group
  3. Check your work
  4. Mail or bring the last page to us and we'll send you badge
  5. Keep Exploring! 
Junior Watershed Workbook

Our office is located at:
18681 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen Minnesota, 55317

Can't make it in? Let us know and we can mail you a copy. Are you an educator? Arrange to have us drop of copies at your school or other facility.


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