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Permit Map

This interactive web map allows you to explore District-permitted projects. The status of those permits may be pending, approved, closed, or something else. To begin using the permits web map ⬈, click/tap on the image below.

How to navigate the web map:

  • Search for an address with the search tool magnifying glass icon) in the upper right corner of the map.
  • Click the home button (house icon) to reset the map to the original view.
  • Use the find-my-location button (circle/target) icon in the lower right corner of the map to zoom to your current location.
  • Zoom into the map with the zoom tool (+/-) in the lower right corner of the map.
  • Move the map by click-hold-drag with a computer mouse. On a mobile device, touch drag the map.

Note that this permits map only shows District-permitted projects. Projects may require additional permits from other local government units such as a city, but this information is not included on this web map.

An interactive map displaying various permit statuses, with color-coded markers, across a geographic area.
Click image above to open permits map. 
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