The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District's primary funding source is a property tax. The following Minnesota laws provide authority for watershed district funding:
- MN Statute 103D.901 Assessments; Levies
- MN Statute 103D.905 Funds of Watershed District
- MN Statute 103D.911 Budget
- MN Statute 103D.915 Tax Levy
- MN Statute 103D.921 District Court to Create a Preliminary Fund
- MN Statute 103D.925 Warrants
The Board of Managers holds a public hearing each year (typically in early September) for the next year's proposed budget and levy. By law, the Board of Managers must adopt a budget and levy for the following year by September 15th. Budgets from the last several years are listed below.
ADD NOTICE of public hearing FOR current year
Budgets by Year
2024 Adopted Budget2023 Adopted Budget2022 Adopted Budget2021 Adopted Budget2020 Adopted Budget2019 Adopted Budget2018 Adopted Budget
Affidavits of Notice for Budget and Levy
2025 Affidavit of Notice2024 Affidavit of Notice2023 Affidavit of Notice