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Stormwater BMP Project

A stormwater BMP manages stormwater through pre-treatment, filtration, infiltration, and other practices.

What is a Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP)?

To be considered eligible for a Stormwater BMP grant, the project must be listed within and meet the specifications described in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Examples of stormwater BMPs include:

  • Rain garden
  • Tree trench
  • Stormwater sand filter
  • Bioretention basin
  • Infiltration basin
  • Vegetated swale
  • Infiltration trench
  • Permeable pavement
  • Green roof

Who May Apply?

Residents, non-profits, businesses, schools, and local goverment units (LGUs) may apply. The project area must be located on property owned by the applicant.

Maximum Grant Award

  • Residential applicant: Up to 75% of cost up to $5,000
  • Non-residential applicant: Up to 50% of cost up to $50,000

Approved Uses of Funds

Funds may be used for approved stormwater BMPs such as a rain garden, tree trench, and more.

If you are doing work that is required as part of a permit from the watershed district, you cannot use any grant funds (from the District or other organization) for this work. However, you may use grant funds for a stormwater BMP or components thereof that go above and beyond basic permit requirements. The other exception is bioengineering components of a shoreline stabilization, even if a permit is required.

Maximum Allowable Costs

To maximize value per dollar but still allow flexibility for grantees in materials selection, maximum allowable cost has been set.

Download the 2025 Maximum Allowable Cost information

Eligibility for In-Kind Credit or Professional Maintenance Funds

A Stormwater BMP may qualify for in-kind credit if it's planned for during the application process and approved by the grant coordinator. Only homeowners and non-profit groups qualify for in-kind credit.

If a Stormwater BMP includes a 250-square-foot or larger native vegetation planting (habitat restoration), then that portion of the project may qualify for professional maintenance support. Only homeowners and non-profit groups qualify for professional maintenance support.


  • The project must NOT be a BMP required by a permit project. However, a BMP that goes above and beyond permit requirements or the cost difference of an BMP upgrade is eligible for grant funds.
  • A civil design plan or technical drawing must be submitted with the grant application. This typically requires involvement of an engineer, landscape architect, or knowledgeable advisor.
  • A site visit during construction of the project is required. This is in addition to any initial site visit and project close-out site visit.

Maximize Your Grant Award

Because stormwater BMP projects can very greatly, the watershed district does not have a scoring sheet for this type of project. Due to high interest from residents about rain gardens, we have developed a rain garden score sheet:

Score sheet for rain garden project


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